Music therapy: Teachers strike an emotional chord with disabled students --
"music teachers understood long before being validated by research that playing an instrument offers much more than simple pleasures and emotional release. For children and adults with disabilities, music can unleash especially powerful gifts, helping them communicate or process information in new ways"
From the Portal:
At this time of celebration for many around the world, let us remind ourselves that there are people who are struggling in life especially those with special needs. Having worked with and derived great joy from these people, I am reminded by the article above of how music can help them cope in life and how it can help us all.
I can only encourage you all, over the holiday season, to go out and see some music being performed especially in your local area. It does not have to be anything grandiose like a symphony concert although that would be nice but even just a simple local get together of people singing carols or folk songs or whatever they fancy.
Singing especially in groups is a powerful and positive experience for all people and has been for thousands of years. Don't be put off by saying "I can't sing" or "I am tone deaf", just the taking part and listening will have an effect on you and others and I am sure you will come away feeling better and more positive than before.
I aim to practice what I preach, I have been practising my violin, I have put some new strings on and intend to go out and make music this week. Enjoy music, that is why people make music, to be enjoyed, to move and to inspire.
The Portal of Healing.
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