The Portal of Healing

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guidelines Blood Sugar Levels: Normal, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes


"The Diabetes Prevention Study shows that losing 5-7 % of your weight, exercising for 1/2 hr per day and following a healthy diet can reduce your risk of getting diabetes by up to 58%!."

This website is packed full of very useful information. If you have the slightest doubt about your blood sugar level, get it checked or got to your local pharmacy and pick up a kit which will allow you to check it yourself. If you are marginal for Diabetes or Pre Diabetes, do what it says above i.e. lose some weight, take regular exercise and follow a healthy diet.

The consequences of not doing anything are far too disturbing to discuss but I can assure you from experience of other with diabetes, it is a slow, painful death.

The Portal of Healing.