The Portal of Healing

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The X Factor 2009 Joe McElderry

Perhaps one of the better performances of this great song by Elton John, this fine young singer definitely stole the show and could be on his way to a significant career.

Every performance he has given has been good and consistent but this performance I think was a big step forward. Whatever happens, it was a pleasure to watch.

The Portal of Healing.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Can playing active video games equal moderate intensity exercise?

It most certainly can. I have had a Wii since January and have not only felt better but have had a lot of fun playing with freinds and family so it really helps to bring people together which can only be a good thing.

Not only are you standing to play (you can also sit to play as well so anyone can join in), which will cause your body to use lipase, a substance that helps to keep the muscles in good condition, you will be using your muscles actviely to play tennis or baseball which are the most effective at buring calories.

I tend to use the Wii as a warm up for other activity and it has really helped me to get in shape, lose some weight and basically get out of that comfy armchair that some of us like to stay in!

The Portal of Healing.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye)

Another nice remix video from the Symphony of Science. What I like about these videos is that they introduce to new generations information and education that can be lost to many people.

The Portal of Healing.